Coronavirus (COVID-19) update for bookings

Kindly be informed that travelers are no longer required to display a valid certificate of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 or evidence of a negative test result from SARS-CoV-2 infection (PCR or Rapid Antigen test).
For Greek domestic routes, the use of high respiratory mask protection (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask is no longer necessary as well.
However, measures against COVID-19 for international routes and non Greek domestic routes have not been completely lifted yet and travelers are still required to use high respiratory mask protection (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask (surgical and cloth), which is mandatory in all passenger compartments. In case a passenger does not wear a mask, he will not be allowed to enter the ship.
Since the national travel restrictions and special entry requirements change abruptly as well as may vary depending on the country or even the region, it is recommended that you carefully review the regulations for each country you will be traveling to before each journey. The best place to find such information is on the website of the respective state government. Check also:
28 August, 2022
Kindly be informed that travelers are no longer required to display a valid certificate of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 or evidence of a negative test result from SARS-CoV-2 infection (PCR or Rapid Antigen test).
However, measures against COVID-19 for international routes have not been completely lifted yet and travelers are still required to use high respiratory mask protection (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask (surgical and cloth), which is mandatory in all passenger compartments. In case a passenger does not wear a mask, he will not be allowed to enter the ship.
Since the national travel restrictions and special entry requirements change abruptly as well as may vary depending on the country or even the region, it is recommended that you carefully review the regulations for each country you will be traveling to before each journey. The best place to find such information is on the website of the respective state government. Check also:
01 May, 2022
Departures from abroad to Greece
- Please check important entry requirements as updated from 01/05/2022!
Departures from abroad to Italy
- Please check important entry requirements as updated from 01/05/2022!
- You can find additional information on the official website of the Italian Ministerium for Health.
Departures within Greece
- Please check important entry requirements as updated from 01/05/2022!
For all departures
- Since the national travel restrictions and special entry requirements change abruptly as well as may vary depending on the country or even the region, it is recommended that you carefully review the regulations for each country you will be traveling to before each journey. The best place to find such information is on the website of the respective state government.
- Check also:
14 May, 2021
Departures from abroad to Greece
- Fill in the pre-boarding health declaration questionnaire and hand it over upon boarding to the vessel's Chief Purser along with your boarding ticket.
- Submit within a period of twenty-four (24) to seventy-two (72) hours before arrival in Greece, the electronic Passenger Locator Form (PLF). Kindly note that it is mandatory to show a printed or electronic copy of the submitted PLF form by arrival in Greece. Boarding will not be possible for passengers who have failed to submit the PLF.
- Please check important additional entry requirements as updated from 30/06/2021!
Departures from abroad to Italy
- Submit within a period of twenty-four (24) to seventy-two (72) hours before arrival in Italy, the digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF). Kindly note that it is mandatory to show a printed or electronic copy of the submitted dPLF form by arrival in Italy. Boarding will not be possible for passengers who have failed to submit the dPLF. You can find more information here.
- Please check important additional entry requirements as updated from 31/07/2021!
Departures within Greece (from the mainland to the islands, from island to island)
- Fill in the pre-boarding health declaration questionnaire and hand it over upon boarding to the vessel's Chief Purser along with your boarding ticket.
- Before the trip and during boarding, all passengers must show one of the following:
- Official Vaccination Certificate (including all necessary doses +14 days)
- Negative result of PCR Test conducted up to 72 hours before departure
- Negative result of Rapid Test conducted up to 48 hours before departure
- Negative result of Self Test conducted up to 24 hours before departure (only from 12 to 17 years of age)
- Certificate of illness one (1) month after illness and up to six (6) months
- The obligation to perform PCR Test, Rapid Test or Self Test, if there is no Vaccination Certificate, is valid for passengers over 12 years and the result should be negative.
- Foreign citizens must state their test results in the pre-boarding health declaration questionnaire.
- Greek citizens must declare their test results officially via the Greek government website and show them in hard copy upon boarding.
- Finally, please do not forget to comply with the required sanitary measures and the obligatory use of the mask during the trip.
Please check important additional entry requirements as updated from 09/08/2021!
Departures within Greece (from the islands to the mainland)
- Fill in the pre-boarding health declaration questionnaire and hand it over upon boarding to the vessel's Chief Purser along with your boarding ticket.
- Negative result of Self Test conducted up to 24 hours before departure.
For all departures
- Since the national travel restrictions and special entry requirements change abruptly as well as may vary depending on the country or even the region, it is recommended that you carefully review the regulations for each country you will be traveling to before each journey.
- The best place to find this information is on the website of the respective state government.
- Check also here:
27 April, 2021
Entry to Greece from Italy
According to the latest information from the Greek Government, permanent residents
- of the member states of the European Union,
- the Schengen Agreement,
- of the United Kingdom,
- of the United States of America,
- of the United Arab Emirates,
- Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Rwanda and Singapore
are allowed to enter Greece if at least one of the following measures occurs:
- A negative molecular test (PCR) for COVID-19 (mandatory for children over 5 years of age) performed with an oral-pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swab up to 72 hours before your arrival in Greece. The certificate must bear the name and passport or identification number of the passenger.
- Obtaining a vaccination certificate issued by an authority stating that the vaccination was completed at least 14 days before arrival in Greece. The vaccination certificate should include the full name of the passenger, the type of vaccine and the number of doses.
Permanent residents of the Russian Federation must present a negative molecular test (PCR) for COVID-19 performed 72 hours prior to arrival, ALONG WITH a vaccination certificate.
All certificates must contain basic information in English and the full name must match the passenger's passport or another travel document.
11 February, 2021
Additional Travel Regulations
National travel restrictions and special entry requirements may vary depending on the country or even the region. As these can change at short notice, it is recommended that you carefully review the regulations for each country you will be traveling to before traveling. The best place to find this information is on the home page of the respective state government.
29 January, 2021
Italy - Greece & v.v.
According to the latest developments in ferry voyages from Italy to Greece and vice versa, the presentation of a negative PCR test is not necessary. Boarding is possible without having previously undergone PCR testing. However, sample tests are possible upon arrival.
Nevertheless, as the situation changes rapidly, it is recommended to get informed before the travel date by the local authorities via their web portals or get in touch with us.
Finally, the completion of the PLF form (Passenger Locator Form) remains mandatory until the day before the departure. For this reason, we advise you to make your reservation in advance.
09 December, 2020
For departures Greece - Italy
According to the new Italian Prime Ministerial Decree of 3 December 2020 all travelers, regardless of nationality, must do the following.
1. From 10 to 20 December and from 7 to 15 January in order to enter Italy from Greece you will need to:
- complete the Self-Certification-Form
- present a negative PCR test (molecular or antigenic swab), carried out within 48 hours of arrival
PCR tests are not necessary when:
- entering Italy for a period not exceeding 120 hours for proven work, health or absolute urgency needs
- transiting by private vehicle in the Italian territory for a period not exceeding 36 hours
2. From 21 December to 6 January, it is required to comply with a period of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation of 14 days if the reasons for the transit are other than:
- work needs
- absolute urgency
- health needs
- study needs
- return to one's home or residence
09 November, 2020
Travel from/to Greece
- According to the instructions of the authorities, from Tuesday 10 November, all incoming and now departing passengers must have completed the PLF Passenger Locator Form by the day before their departure.
- In addition, from Wednesday 11 November all incoming passengers in the country must present a negative result in PCR COVID-19 test which they will have performed up to 72 hours before their arrival in Greece.
30 June, 2020
For departures Italy - Greece, Turkey - Greece
According to Article 1 published in Government Gazette 2602/Β28.06.2020, all travelers, regardless of nationality, must do the following:
- Submit, within a period of twenty-four (24) to seventy-two (72) hours before their arrival in Greece, the electronic form Passenger Locator Form (PLF) which is available at Kindly note that it is mandatory to show a printed or electronic copy of the submitted PLF form by arrival in Greece. Boarding will not be possible for passengers who have failed to submit the PLF before check-in at the departure port.
For all other departures
- Fill in the Pre-boarding health declaration questionnaire and hand it over upon embarkation to the vessel's Chief Purser along with their ticket.
- Nevertheless, since the regulations change abruptly, passengers are strongly advised to check the national and regional restrictions in force before each journey. Possible regulatory measures can be (a) obligation to present a negative PCR test (molecular or antigenic swab), carried out within 48 to 72 hours of arrival or (b) comply with a period of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation of 14 days.
01 June, 2020
Although we constantly make every effort to inform you timely and properly about any possible schedule changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we kindly advise you to also contact on your own the port office of the respective shipping company one (1) day before departure in order to confirm the scheduled departure of your booked trip and avoid any inconveniences caused by delays or trip cancellations. The port office contact details are included in your booking confirmation.
13 April, 2020
ACTION OF LEGAL ENVIRONMENT of 13-4-2020, Government Gazette 84 / A / 13-4-2020
Passenger's requests for refund of ferry tickets, as well as tickets for international trips that cannot travel due to travel restrictions, or due to cancellation of scheduled departures provided by national or EU law, they receive a CREDIT VOUCHER of equal value of the ticket price for the canceled trip.
The CREDIT VOUCHER is issued by the carrier, ship-owner, shipping company or travel provider (hereinafter referred to as the "carrier") and has an expiration date of eighteen (18) months from the date of departure of the original reservation.
During this period, the beneficiary of the CREDIT VOUCHER may at any time make use of it at any destination of the carrier's network.
By the end of the CREDIT VOUCHER, the debt does not become overdue and required. The debt becomes overdue and receivable if eighteen (18) months have elapsed and the CREDIT VOUCHER has not been used.
With a dedication to serving you, we list below the updated terms that apply to ferry routes and booking arrangements.
- All reservations/bookings for the year 2020 will be converted to Credit Vouchers upon your request.
- Credit Vouchers are valid for 18 months from the date of departure of the original reservation.
- You will have at your disposal the full paid amount to be used entirely in a new reservation.
- New reservations can only be made by sending an email to ( and not through the online platform.
- Please contact us no earlier than 40 days and at least 3 days before the date of your existing reservation, in order to change the reservation to a Credit Voucher.
- Please note that we currently have delays in handling booking changes to Credit Vouchers. The handling time is about 10-30 days.
- Submissions made after the effective booking date cannot be converted to Credit Voucher and the booking value cannot be refunded.
The following exceptions apply:
- Seajets: Credit Vouchers are valid for Seajets itineraries until December 31, 2022.
- Golden Star Ferries: Credit Vouchers are valid for Golden Star Ferries itineraries until December 31, 2022.
- Aegean Speed Lines: Credit Vouchers are valid for Aegean Speed Lines itineraries until December 31, 2022.
- Grandi Navi Veloci (Italy, Government Law Decree no. 9 / 02.03.2020): Credit Vouchers are valid for Grandi Navi Veloci itineraries respectively until 15 October 2021 (to be redeemed within 31 December 2020 and in every case before the expiration of the travel date).
- Grimaldi Lines (Italy, Government Law Decree no. 9 / 02.03.2020): Reservations with a travel date up to 31st May 2020 can be changed (upon your request) to a credit voucher that can be used up to 12 months from the date of the original trip. After 12 months the tickets are non-refundable. The rest of the bookings are subject to the company's standard cancellation policy.
- Minoan Lines and Grimaldi Lines Adriatic routes (Italy, Government Law Decree no. 9 / 02.03.2020): Reservations with a travel date up to 15th June 2020 can be changed (upon your request) to a credit voucher that can be used up to 12 months from the date of the original trip. After 12 months the tickets are non-refundable. The rest of the bookings are subject to the company's standard cancellation policy.
- Ventouris Ferries: Open Date Tickets are valid until 31st December 2021.
We wish you all to stay safe and healthy!